We support individuals and businesses wanting to amplify their brand.

Small Businesses





A few words from our valuable community.
Chef d'entreprise / CEO chez IPEOS
Awesome speaker and entrepreneure!!!!
I want to share with you that i'm (and many around me) are greatful after we met @Jodi-Tatiana Charles. First we organize an amazing inspirationnal conference with this talented speaker. She share good tips and good informations with us. Before this impressive meeting, we share nice moment and i find and humble and hard worker with NO LIMIT.
Your are an example for us.
Thank you so much for all you did, all you express, all you share. Hope to cross your road again.
MERCI BEAUCOUP (she speaks french also ;)
Co-Founder & CEO, DriftSense
Jodi is an amazing person, that knows how to reach out, lift-up your spirit, and make you smile for choosing the entrepreneurial roller-coaster. During her presentation within the MassChallenge program, I felt like she could literally "walk through" the screen, as her enthusiasm and devotion was sky-high. Thank you, Jodi, for being such an inspiring individual, you're definitely unique.
Co-Founder and CEO, RBI Medical
Jodi is an absolutely fantastic person. She is a versatile thinker and consistently produces high quality work. Beyond her notable domain expertise and insight therein, she sees immediate needs around her and responds promptly regardless of responsibility for them. Jodi puts her heart and soul into everything she does. I would be honored to work with Jodi again.
Director, Venture Cafe Cambridge
Jodi has a long-standing relationship with Venture Cafe and when we needed an instructor for the Marketing & Branding segment of our Fall 2020 LAUNCH! Pre-Accelerator, she answered the bell once again. Jodi's expertise helped 25 aspiring entrepreneurs develop their branding strategy and despite the virtual nature of the class, participants were actively engaged and present (if you know Jodi, its hard not to be!) We're grateful for her help and mentorship for our community.
Communications & Outreach Director,
LEAF, Local Enterprise Assistance Fund
I had given a few pitches before I met Tatiana but I had never won nor placed in any. I met with Tatiana and she is efficient! Tatiana asked me the perfect questions I needed to hear so I could tell a more compelling story, within minutes of our meeting. Meeting Tatiana was so valuable, her wisdom and guidance allowed me to create and tell my story so it could be heard and 1 week after meeting Tatiana I won a cash prize in a pitch contest! All of my pitch adjustments I made because of her specific points and questions. She is a powerhouse thinker, communicator, marketer!
Andrew Christian Davis
Investment Principal, Crypto BostonInvestment Principal, Crypto Boston Techstars
Jodi is relentless in the pursuit of excellence in her craft and bringing out the best in others. Never mincing her words, and with a bent towards precision, clarity, and deep authenticity, Jodi is a rare force. She helped ensure my portfolio companies in the Techstars Crypto Boston accelerator were prepared to tell the world who they were and what they do for Demo Day and beyond. Jodi is highly effective as a communication coach.
CEO, Co-founder, ARMR Systems
Jodi is amazing! Even in my short time working with her, I've found her to be an extremely demanding, yet an enthusiastic, supportive, and engaged mentor. She's highly interested in making sure founders and teams have a deep understanding of the problem, and context their own solutions reside within. Beyond just marketing and branding, she brings a depth of knowledge & experience on all aspects of building/running a company. She's an absolute pleasure to work with.
Founder, CEO, ezWiFi
I worked with Jodi while my startup was going through Techstars Crypto Boston. Her coaching on pitching and storytelling was instrumental in getting me ready for the Demo Day presentation at the end of the Techstars program. Jodi brings a high degree of energy, passion and professionalism with her coaching, and I would recommend working with her any day of the week!
Thanks for all the help Jodi, you're amazing!!
CEO; DE&I C-Suite Advisor & Coach; PR Strategist; Founder and President of Get Konnected! and
The GK Fund.
I am delighted and honored to recommend Jodi-Tatiana Charles without reservation. She is a hard-working, committed, dedicated individual who always exceed expectations and delivers above and beyond the letter. I would collaborate, partner and work with Jodi at anytime in the future. She pays attention to details and does whatever it takes to get the job done.
Co-founder and CTO, Builtrix
I participated in the Digital Marketing Session with Jodi in 2020. Actually it was in the middle of COVID lock-down and my startup needed to build a new vision to Digital Marketing. as a mentor, Jodi is so sharp and right to the point! with valuable criticizes that create high impacts in the social media and website of the company.
Co-Founder. Virtual Internships
I heard Jodi speak recently, and subsequently received marketing advice from her for our business. I can wholeheartedly recommend her. The talk was very high energy and covered many essential pieces of marketing advice delivered in a genuine and engaging way. In my opinion it was a perfect blend of high-level/big picture, with just the right amount of stats and specifics to ensure the points came across clearly. Keep up the great work Jodi!
Co-CEO, UnityC
My organization hosted a Business Sustainability Boot Camp, where Jodi was one of the presenters. Her style was informal, creating an atmosphere that was akin to having a conversation with a trusted mentor.
She started from her beginnings of how she got to where she is today. Her story was compelling and inspiring. Her presentation ended in a crescendo full of knowledge and experience, with a splash of 'you can do this, you have to do this', determination.
Jodi is an amazing person and an asset to whomever she comes into contact with.
Senior Vice President at Tenax Strategies, Inc
Jodi and the team she put together with LCG Brands for our total company rebrand were exceptional! Jodi's direct experience in the private sector and government gave her insights into our business that we couldn't find anywhere else. From basic concept, naming convention, logo design and website design, she drove the process, providing our firm with direction and focus from a singular voice which was very important for us. Additionally, her team was able to seamlessly pivot when a significant challenge presented itself; dramatically compressing the timeline and leading to a very successful launch of our new brand. I hope I find more opportunities to work with Jodi!
CEO, InsuranceMenu
Jodi is a passionate visionary who really understands the needs and realities of building a brand in today's market. Not only is she tireless in her commitment to clients, Jodi also brings a diverse background that spans multiple media channels both traditional and new. She is definitely someone to get to know in the Massachusetts entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Interim Director International COVID-19 Data Research Alliance and Workbench at Health Data Research UK (HDR-UK)
Jodi is a true life force! She is extremely focused about her objectives and also about what she can offer. Don't go to Jodi if you want an easy time - she will challenge you and push you hard! But her goal is very clear - to get you to look at the things that need to be addressed and come up with answers and insights that will power you forward. I highly recommend some time with Jodi if you want a breath of fresh air in your life!
Mobile App Manager and Sustainability Ambassador, Cathay Pacific Airways
I had the pleasure of attending one of Jodi's workshops on how to work with traditional media. I gained valuable insights both on how to approach traditional media outlets and on managing media relationships as a small startup. What sets Jodi apart is her ability to apply her expertise and cater to the needs of a wide variety of companies – from startups to large, established players. Oh, and she is a fabulously fun and energetic person to work with as well!
Babson College Class of 2021
I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside a visionary leader and mentor like Jodi. Not only did I learn tons about the marketing industry, personal branding, and general consulting, but I also had such a great time hearing her incredible stories and lessons. Jodi's enthusiasm and energy for her work is unparalleled, and so incredibly infectious.
Founder, RaceMenu Inc.
One of the most energetic women I've ever met, Jodi can out-hustle anyone and usually knows ten different ways to communicate your message effectively. She's a jack-of-all-trades and if you're lucky enough to work with her, be prepared for the bonus of a giant smile and an incredibly positive personality.
Jodi and I worked on several occasions during her time with the Boston Chamber of Commerce, helping entrepreneurs and business owners to succeed. Her advocacy for helping the community, young professionals, and individuals who are determined to cause a difference is admirable. She represents passion, eagerness, and entrepreneurship.
Director, Undergraduate Center for Career Development, Babson College
Jodi-Tatiana Charles is a rock star Brandographer. The title in and of itself depicts her unique,entrepreneurial style. She is astute and adept regarding the intricacies of building brand recognition from a practical,realistic,results perspective. Jodi's energy and enthusiasm combined with her professional experience are powerful tools that engage and motivate her audience. Jodi's personality and leadership style illustrate her natural talents as she walks the talk in all of her endeavors.
As a Keynote speaker for Babson's Career Bootcamp, she inspired students and employers alike to reconsider the effectiveness of their branding strategies and incorporate her methodologies for positive outcomes. Jodi's content is spot on, delivery engaging and call to action, motivating for all.