We support individuals and businesses wanting to amplify their brand.
One of the brightest minds in marketing. She helps her clients and audiences unlock, nurture and strengthen their storytelling muscle so they can create impactful
experiences for their employees and customers.
Jodi-Tatiana delivers content-rich business material in a highly engaging style that wins over any audiences as a:
Keynote/Presenting Speaker
1-on-1 Executive Training
Competition/Startup Judge
Media Coaching
Harnessing creativity on global stages, a proven startup leader with over two decades of research working with hyper-growth leaders and innovators. Jodi-Tatiana brings the ideal credibility to connect with – and inspire – your audience.
Jodi-Tatiana has delivered energizing, passionate, hilariously funny, and wildly practical keynotes around the world. She will help you find your spark – cultivating new ideas,
launching powerful change initiatives and gaining the creative confidence to fuel progress.
Not only will Jodi-Tatiana light up your next event, LCG Brands will continue to support your business in the months and years to come with actionable tools and practical takeaways.
Every presentation delivered by Jodi-Tatiana is tailored to the specific needs and objectives of each client and audience. She and her team do extensive research before every engagement, uncovering fresh stories and examples to reinforce key messages. The final product: an inspiring performance, delivered with the skill of a journalist, but individually built to meet specific organizational goals.
A powerful and established voice in the innovation ecosystem,
Jodi-Tatiana stretches audience’s mindset and gives them practical tools that can be used immediately to create greater successes in their personal and professional lives.
She’s worked with companies such as Google, MassChallenge, IBM, Harvard Business School, MIT, OCP Africa and American Chamber of
Commerce in Bulgaria, to establish open conversations and instill creative confidence as they tap into new ways of bringing their brand stories to life in exciting and captivating ways.
Jodi-Tatiana teaches marketers how to develop, manage and lead the creation of valuable experiences for their organizations.
Entrepreneurs & Enterprise Ready Startups
Entrepreneurship is all about paving your path to a breakthrough, believing in your mission and inspiring others to follow you on the way to success. Jodi-Tatiana teaches her audience the core competencies to becoming an influential entrepreneur – the will, boldness and recklessness to achieve an unlikely ambition.
Want to grow your small and medium business/enterprise and stand up against major industry competitors? Jodi-Tatiana provides customized SMB/SME success development programs that go beyond the keynote for training and leadership development.
Utilizing top coaching practices which empowers your organization to increase productivity, boost sales, and accelerate change.
The transition from high school to college and college to career can be a particularly challenging time towards independence. It is at these critical junctures that Jodi-Tatiana can address your students. Adjusting to new-found freedoms, new relationships and the daily stressors of academics, on and off campus life can be exciting and daunting at the same time.
Jodi-Tatiana’s presentations will inspire and motivate your students to consider choices that are in their best interest and encourage them to share their uniqueness and share valuable leadership traits that will help them continue to grow long after they graduate.
Sampling 2021 Speaking Topics:
The following topics represent samplings of speaking concepts available for presentation. If you have specific needs for an upcoming conference or event, Jodi-Tatiana can customize a program suited to your audience.
Speaking topics include:
Leadership & Innovation
Pitching Like a Pro: Presenting Your Startup Slide Deck.
Your Story: Secrets of Great Business Speakers.
Brand Yourself in Tandem with the Company Brand
Mastering Five Skills for Innovative Disruption.
Marketing and Communication Strategies
Defining YOUR target audience and how to successfully engage.
Culture & Language Differences - clarity in any language.
The Search for Product Market Fit.
Diversity versus Diverse – cross cultural business development.
How Much is Your Reputation Worth?
Media & Community Outreach Strategies
The Most Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics.
How can new media save your business?
Building and Maintaining Customer/Client Loyalty.
It’s time to put marketing back where it belongs, in your hands.
Are you ready?
Jodi-Tatiana addresses audiences all over the world, from her home base in the U.S. to the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.
Travels from Boston, MA