We support individuals and businesses wanting to amplify their brand.
TIME TO REBOOT Building your Personal Brand
We are experiencing a historical moment in time and many of our students around the world are experiencing high anxiety while creating a new narrative in the midst of the Corona Virus (COVID-19).
Hi, my name is Jodi-Tatiana Charles, I’m a Brandographer™
Defining who you are is the most important differentiator you can make, and you have to avoid the trap of matching a career description, that now many will be seeking. You have to work hard to make sure you are not labeled by the person in the leadership role, simply because it helps the organization.
Your Personal Brand Has Never Been More Important.
I’m committed! Are you?
I have a skill-set that most students would not consider or afford for themselves, so I would like to propose an opportunity, to help you build YOUR own brand strategy, to be ready when we go back to business as usual. From this moment (whenever this lands in your hand) until June 30, 2020, I am offering any registered student around the world one, 45-minute, 1-on-1 virtual session, to work on your personal brand strategy for an investment of $250, BUT for students, we are here for you,
During your session we will discuss:
What is your Brand? Defining Yourself
Current Brand Representation
Online Presence/Online audit
Visual Identity/Dress and Appearance
Embody Your Brand/ Work Ethic
Networking/Relationship Building
Short & Long Term Brand Strategies
Stay at Home & Invest in You!
SPECIAL $35 for one, 45-minute personal brand session
Contact me directly for scheduling or questions at jodi@lcgbrands.com
Where & How
Monday to Saturday
5am – 2pm EDT USA

Google Hangout

Google Duo
Payment Options
Monday to Saturday
5am – 2pm EDT USA

Individual/Group Investment
Registered Students Only
1 - 3 Students @ $35 each
4 - 5 Students @ $30 each
6 - 7 Students @ $25 each
8 - 10 Students @ $20 each
(maximum 10 students in group session)
If you are not a student and are interested in a session, please contact
LCG Brands via telephone: 888-361-4601 or email: info@lcgbrands.com.
Special rates are available for the duration of the stay-at-home order.